Book Title and 3 Ways to Achieve the Ideal

The book title will be the first element to describe an important part of your story. It will also be in charge of turning a feeling into a decision between wanting to know more about your new book or moving on.

3 Ways to Create a Book Title
Next to the cover, the book title is the most important marketing element of your book.

Highlights of Your Story

Before you start writing titles, the best thing to do is to understand and organize the most important details of your story. To do this you will use a simple sheet that will accompany you to your final decision.

Stop and think and write it down:

  1. What are the main themes shown in your book?
  2. List the chapters, sentences, or paragraphs you are most proud of.
  3. Which part do you consider the most important?

Get the Secret Formula of Your Genre

Research books in your genre and learn from them.

What do they have in common, do they use long or short titles, and do they use specific verbs? Research and write down all the characteristics or patterns that the biggest names in your industry use. These notes will keep you on track, as they are the formulas that are currently working.

Why? Because the big publishers already know what sells. Putting this into practice is as simple as researching the best-selling books on Amazon. Search for your category and read as many titles as possible.


On a separate piece of paper, write down words that relate to or describe the strongest points of your book, let one word lead to another, and travel with them. When you feel it is enough, take some time to select and group by categories.

Characteristics of a Good Book Title

Accurate in Length

The title of the book should not be too long or too long, it should be a simple sentence. Think of five words that serve to define an important aspect of the work: plot, the main character, the metaphor of the content, etc.


The potential reader can get an idea of the plot, or content, of the book thanks to the synopsis, the title should be an element that sets the first stone on this path. An example would be The Lord of the Rings, others that are more concrete such as Dracula, which reflects the main character.


Your book must capture the attention of the reader who does not know it, especially if you are a little-known author.

Discard and Keep the Best Ones

Read your list as many times as necessary and compare one with another. Ask yourself:

  1. Which ones are your favorites?
  2. Which ones follow the rules of your genre?
  3. Which one is easier to remember?
  4. Which one has the most appeal?

If you’re exhausted, take the day off and come back for your list the next day. After a good rest, your mind will be clear to read your list again. With a clear mind, select the top 5 from your list, and don’t throw away your entire list, you may need it again.

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