write a book

How to Write a Book

Knowing how to write a book is fundamental. Although it may seem easy to transfer those ideas from your head to paper, it is not as simple as it seems.

How to Write a Book
Although writing a book is not easy, this does not mean that it is impossible.

Writing a book is a real challenge. There is no greater test than a blank page to fill with that great work that has not yet been written. You may have it clear in your mind, and you may even visualize it, but transferring it to a text-producer program or paper is not so simple.

There isn’t a specific time frame for how long it takes to write a book, but we can tell you that it will take longer if you are not very clear about how to do it, or if you don’t apply specific rules when writing your manuscript.

Of course, it never hurts to have some recommendations to help you find the right way to make your way through the blank pages that will end up composing your work, and at Dina Soul Writing, we want to help you achieve this.

How to Choose the Theme to Write a Book?

The first step in writing a book is to have an idea. But, to know how to write it, you must be clear about the theme and the literary genre. To do this, you need to ask yourself a series of questions, starting with “What do I want to tell?”

Do you want to convey your feelings? In that case, it is best to go for poetry. Do you want to share your emotions around a particular passage of your life? Maybe you should go for the autobiography. What you want to convey is an exciting story. The novel is, without a doubt, your best bet. For any of those genres, the following tips will be quite useful:

Think about what you want to tell: What idea do you have in your head? This is a good starting point to begin writing a book.
Think about how you want to tell it: It is not only about what you want to tell, but how you are going to tell it. Verse, prose, theater, popularization text… When you find the answer, you will be closer to knowing how to write a book.
Outline: We are not asking you to write a book, but to create a sample of what it could be. This way you will be able to see for yourself if the idea you wanted to tell works on paper and if you have done it the best way.
Compare with other authors: Once you have this outline, compare it with other authors that you think are similar. Is the comparison accurate? Then you will be closer to defining the theme of your book.
Ask for advice: You can show a fragment of your writing to your acquaintances so they can tell you if they can understand what you wanted to tell and the chosen method.

New technologies will be your best allies when writing a book. On the one hand, you have at your disposal office automation programs with which you can write and save your changes. Many of them even allow you to save your progress in the cloud, so you will even have a backup if your computer breaks down. One of the best-known is Google Drive, which offers up to 15GB of free storage.

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