Human values

10 Important Human Values to Work on Through Reading

Values Education

Human values
Values may be defined as socially approved desires and goals that are internalized through the process of conditioning, learning, or socialization.

Human values are those positive aspects that allow us to live together with other people in a fair way in order to achieve an overall benefit as a society. We do not understand them as purely individual traits, but quite the opposite: a value is as useful and beneficial for us as it is for the rest of our fellow human beings, and it exists in any society regardless of country, culture, or religion. In other words, they are those aspects of our upbringing that we consider good and honest for ourselves and those around us, such as empathy, respect, solidarity, or optimism.

Similarly, the characteristics of these values and their importance may vary depending on the context, but they all share four key points: their importance varies in a person’s life throughout it, they can change according to experience, and they maintain a hierarchy (there are people who consider respect to be above generosity, and vice versa), and they provide satisfaction in practicing them and living according to our beliefs.

The human values of each person are those that guide them throughout all their actions and decisions, and even in their list of vital priorities, and, collectively, help us to advance as a society.

10 Most Important Human Values for Children’s

Educating children in human values helps them to structure their personality and encourages them to act in the right way, to live in society appreciating and valuing others. A good way to do this is by reading a story and then developing activities related to it.

  1. Responsibility

Responsibility is one of the human values that children should learn from a very young age. Becoming aware that their actions have consequences, both positive and negative, is key for them to take responsibility for their actions. To this end, parents should set an example to the youngest members of the household by fulfilling their obligations and committing themselves to certain tasks. We recommend Franklin Wants a Pet.

  1. Generosity

Generosity is one of the fundamental human values that should be learned from childhood to resolve conflicts and get children to share without expecting anything in return, simply with the intention of helping others. We recommend Give Me Half!

  1. Commitment

Commitment is an essential value for the educational and social development of children. Setting goals and committing to them helps them reach their academic goals with greater motivation and performance. Likewise, personal relationships are also stronger if there is a commitment on both sides. We recommend I PROMISE.

  1. Tolerance

In a globalized world like ours, where there are many ethnic groups, cultures, and religions living together in society, tolerance is a fundamental value for children to create a society without prejudice. Knowing the different thoughts and understanding them will make our children more respectful and tolerant. We recommend All Kinds of People.

  1. Humility

The continuous flattery of parents towards their children can create situations in which they believe they are in a position of superiority towards other children and therefore they are proud. To avoid this, it is necessary to instill in children both respect for others and humility so that they do not undervalue their peers and know how to accept defeats with sportsmanship. We recommend The Tower: A Story of Humility.

  1. Gratitude

Children should know the value of things and for this, we must instill in them the value of gratitude. Performing actions that show gratitude towards others will not only make them more respectful but will give them greater self-control and happiness. We recommend Otis Gives Thanks.

  1. Honesty

Honesty is one of the most essential human values in both adults and children. Being honest with themselves will make our children mature and understand that no one is perfect. They will learn this value over time and the consequences of lying will be what makes them learn from their mistakes and be honest with themselves and with their peers. We recommend Tell the Truth, B.B. Wolf.

  1. Friendship

Friendship is one of the most important human values and one of the values that human beings learn the fastest. From a very young age, we know what friendship is, but a deeper reflection on its meaning can always bring new things. We recommend The Wizard of Oz.

  1. Solidarity

Solidarity means being aware of the needs of others and wanting to contribute to their satisfaction. It is one of the most important human values since it stems from respect for the dignity of others. It must be based on a relationship between equals (to differentiate it from a charity). We recommend Kid Blink Beats the World.

  1. Empathy

Likewise, empathy is closely related to sincerity. Whoever seeks kindness, happiness, or sincerity with oneself, understands that any human being also lives in constant search of the same. Therefore, empathy helps children to put themselves in the situation of their fellow human beings, and helps them to understand, support, and help them when necessary. We recommend You, Me, And Empathy.

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