Ghostwriters for Hire

Join The Trend And Find Ghostwriters For Hire

ghostwriters for hire
Looking for ghostwriters for hire has become commonplace.

At Dina Soul Writing we consider ourselves much more than just a group of ghostwriters for hire. We are a group of writers, proofreaders, and editors who are passionate about children’s literature and whose purpose is the integral development of children in their different stages through messages of love, awareness, solid values, and, of course, magic and lots of laughter! This is what makes us different from the rest because we dedicate ourselves exhaustively to achieving that everything our client has in mind is captured in a book. This is one of the many reasons to find ghostwriters for hire like us.

Our ghostwriters for hire can turn your thoughts into a finished manuscript quickly and efficiently. We use a collaborative process so that you are an important part of the content development process, scrutinizing every word and providing feedback. You can then choose to let our editing service do the rest of the work, and at the end of the process, it will be your name on the back of a perfectly written and published book.

Why is it a Good Idea to Search Ghostwriters for Hire?

In many cases, it happens that our clients have many ideas and stories to tell, but do not know how to best capture all that content that is in their minds, that’s when it’s a good idea to find ghostwriters for hire, as having more experience in this world of publishing can route each of the ideas and thoughts of the customers, thus achieving excellent quality content.

Types of Books and Services We Offer

We can create these types of books:

  • Picture books
  • Fantasy
  • Realistic fiction
  • Nonfiction
  • Folklore
  • Fairy tales


Wonderful Stories for Children

We write fascinating and captivating stories for children based on your style, ideas, and characters, and we release all commercial rights to you. 100% passion, 0% attachment! Whether you have a clear and structured idea of your project or a simple sketch of what you want; whatever your mind comes up with, we can write it! We deliver a fully proofread and edited product.

Ghostwriting Your Children’s Book Series

We deliver a fully proofread and edited product. Our team will make sure your project is wonderful, as it will go through our essential and magical stages:

  1. Brainstorming-Initiating the creative process
  2. Writing-First steps
  3. Proofreading and Editing-Fine-tuning
  4. Final Revision-Polishing and finishing.

Customized Meditation Scripts for Children

As ghostwriters for hire, we can write guided meditations that include animals, fantastic, cosmic, or invented creatures, fictional journeys, themes to heal something specific, and much more! Our meditations can focus on magical, fun, and relaxing themes.

Proofreading and Editing Your Children’s Book

In this service, we will meticulously and professionally help you make it look its best! Proofreading improves the accuracy and readability of your finished manuscript, and our purpose is to maintain your distinctive authorship and focus on:

  1. Grammar
  2. Spelling
  3. Punctuation
  4. Sentence structure
  5. Readability
  6. Verb tense
  7. Syntax
  8. Tone for audience
  9. Consistency
  10. Clarity and flow

We will work until you are completely satisfied with the final product.

How Do We Work?

Our main editor will interview you to discuss your ideas in detail and clarify your vision. She will be the point of contact to bring the project to fruition. If an illustrator is needed, she will coordinate the selection of an artist for the project and coordinate the creation of the illustrations.

Your lead ghostwriter will contact you to set up a series of conversations so they can gather the information needed to begin the creative process.

Book summaries, outlines, and strategies or memoir/fiction maps will be generated and submitted for your review and approval. After your approval, the creative process begins successfully.

Your assigned ghostwriter will create Chapter 1, based on the abstract and outline, and then send it to you for your review. Once Chapter 1 is approved, the author moves on to Chapter 2 and so on, until you have a complete book.

An editor will be selected with the right background for your project.


Our prices vary depending on the needs of our clients, our 4 services are adapted to multiple needs and cover a large part of what we are able to perform but in a more specific way. I invite you to take a look at them and find the one that best suits your needs. Nowadays, the ghostwriters for hire are an important part of much of the creative process of the content that surrounds us today, so we are committed to having the best relationship between authors and ghostwriters to get the best results. The value that hiring a ghostwriter can add is huge. There are many advantages that come with this deal.

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