Reasons to Write a Book

Reasons to Write a Book

Discovering the real reasons why you should write a book is what will help you stand out from the crowd.

Write a Book

An entrepreneur can benefit from writing a book.

Your name, as an author, on the cover of a book… That would be exciting, wouldn’t it? Not only is it exciting to see your name printed on the cover of a book, but it’s also a great way to market your business. If you’ve always wanted to write a book but haven’t had the time to do it yet, here are some reasons to write a book.

Position yourself as an authority in your industry or on a specific topic.

People naturally assume you know what you’re talking about; after all, you did publish a book on the subject, didn’t you? Your book is a way to share knowledge about your industry and stimulate readers’ interest.

People are more likely to think of you when they need products or services that your company produces just because they have already read your book and consider you an expert on the subject.

Write a book to open the door to speaking opportunities.

If you’ve never sold from a stage, you’re missing a great opportunity to sell more of your products or services to a captive, pre-qualified audience. When you write a book, people come to you and ask you to present a workshop or a session at conferences full of people interested in your products or services. It’s easy to set up a booth somewhere in the same room to sign your books, talk to people, and sell.

Writing a book is better than any business card.

It is unlikely that someone will throw away a printed book if you give it to them (or a digital copy that they can download directly to their e-Reader device). They generally keep it, read it, and even share it.

Whether they read it or not, it reminds them that you are the expert on that subject, and the book is proof of that.

Unlike a business card that often gets lost among the papers, a book will be placed on the shelf or in an e-Reader, always available to be consulted and with the contact information.

Digital publishing offers advertising opportunities.

The beauty of digital publishing is that you can create direct links in the content, on the bio page, and even on the front and back covers. So, when someone finds an interesting topic, they can immediately click on the link to get to a specific page on your website or blog.

Get additional sources of income.

Why not make money from your book? Editing and uploading your book on Amazon is a simple process and, remember, Amazon is a bookstore giant. Even if you don’t rank #1 in your book’s category, you could undoubtedly earn some additional income from sales.

When you are ready to profit from having your book, know that help is available. If you don’t feel comfortable writing, you can always hire what’s called a “ghostwriter.” As you can read, there are many good reasons to write a book and become a published author. If you don’t have time to market it, you can hire an internet marketer to capitalize on promotional opportunities that will increase your business’s income.

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